March 15, 2010

Photos: Belgrade, Serbia

Picture 1: Some of the castle grounds. From this side we could see the intersection of the Danube and Sava rivers.

Picture 2: A sandwich that is one of the most incredible things a person could ever eat that is fast food. It is called Pljeskavica and I have no idea how to pronounce it. The patty is as big as your heart and it was a chore to eat it but oh so worth it.

Picture 3: The friendly waiter at Le Petit bar and our free homemade rakija. This guy was awesome and I hope he gets that job on the cruise ship that he wanted.

Picture 4: The largest orthodox church in the world. The inside was so vast that I still felt like I was outside. You know that difference you get when you’re inside? Maybe for me it’s a very minor form of claustrophobia but inside this structure, I didn’t feel it at all. I think the couple pigeons soaring through the inside felt the same way. I’d like to go back and see it when it’s finally finished someday.

Picture 5: The remains of a building that was bombed by NATO. The residents have not torn it down but instead have let it be. It just has a fence around it but it does mean something since they haven’t demolished the building. Perhaps they are planning to turn it into a memorial.

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