July 20, 2008

Movin' Along

I hate moving. All the packing up is fine and dandy at the beginning. You feel like you're always making progress, but then it seems that the more you pack into your car/s the more seems to still be left in the old place. Eventually you're hauling out bric-a-brac piece by piece because you don't have any more boxes or bags to put the stuff into. Then you're trying to clean the apartment of the mess of people who haven't lived there in three years, or the grime that's built up because it was a mess to begin with and you couldn't help but not care. ARGH! Moving stinks.

I've been living in Washington for two years now, and have moved twice since arriving (first last year, and now this year). I better be at this place for a good two years to make up for it. It might actually work out too because the new apartment is nicer than the one we were in before. Now don't get me wrong, we had good neighbors at our old place and I loved our landladies (if you call them that) to death. They were awesome. It's just that it was getting expensive and was a little small for our needs. Our current place is larger and less expensive and the only thing wrong with I can see is that spiders apparently enjoy the area too. *groan*

Anyway, back to moving. After you've moved everything into a vehicle, you have to unload it. And do you have time to do anything but just dump it in neat piles all over your new room? No, you put it into haphazard but neat piles in your new room. But after you're all out of that old place, and it's all clean (relatively) and you actually never have to step back inside, that's when you suddenly relax, look at the mess of boxes in the new place and say, now comes the fun!

Unpacking totally rocks! You're chucking junk you forgot you had, organizing everything in a new and unique manner and generally making everything perfect. I can't wait, except I have homework to do, obligatory events to attend, and did I mention homework? So I gotta go, but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm all moved to a new place. If you want to write me a letter (since we might not have internet for a little bit) my new address is 11400 NE 132nd Street #P108 Kirkland,WA 98034 USA. Cheers!

p.s. sometimes my people tracker thing over on the right side of my blog has shown people from around the world, or at least IP addresses from around the world glancing at my writing. This is an open invitation to anybody from anywhere: please comment on something and let me know you are real. I want to believe. Even if you hate my writing and want to say so, that's okay.

July 3, 2008

On Being Prepared

I had a very interesting dream that seemed to segue into my work day on Wednesday and then a similar dream that started out my day today. Unfortunately, I don't exactly remember the dream...at all, but I do know that when these incidents happened, I remembered that I had dreamed it already.

The first instance was when I arrived at work after school on Wednesday. My co-worker was jesting with me and said it's appropriate to shave before coming to work. Now I have a beard and I like it. Suddenly, I had this recollection of being in, say, an alternate universe where facial hair was illegal. I didn't know how I got here, but I knew if I was to survive, I'd have to pretend I knew all about whatever they were saying to me, including the facial hair thing. I panicked just a bit at my co-worker saying this, fearing I had somehow slipped into this alternate reality for real somehow. He still had his hair though so I didn't panic for long.

So, I tell you this because I want you all to be prepared. Too many times, I've seen people (on TV shows and what not) be all dumb whenever they land in some alternate reality or timeline. They expect people to instantly be understanding when you tell them their [insert something here] isn't the way it is supposed to be. Stupid! You need to get with the flow right away and then work out where you are, how you got there, and what you're going to do or who you're going to tell about getting back to your home. Say somebody walks up to you and says, "Hey, what happened to your biometric facial interface?" You don't say "my what?" You say, "It's getting repaired," or "It just broke but I'm heading out to get another one right now." That's how you survive in alternate realities. Be prepared and quick on your feet.