August 27, 2008

A Few Things...

Firstly, I have a link here that is probably one of the most amusing articles from I have had the pleasure of reading. There is strong language but it is just too funny an article to pass up. I just had to share since I have an interest in science and the CERN Hadron super collider that will probably destory the world (sarcasm intended).

Secondly, I'd like to bring to your attention a previous post of mine. It happened to me again today and for those of you who missed it the first time around, here is your chance to experience it for the first time (obviously).

And finally I just want to point out I finally made it to my Baseball game goal for the year. Game number 5 was last night and we won. I hate to say it, but I was just a little shocked. Anywhoo, there you go.

August 22, 2008


So, today I read that Brad Wright, one of the head honchos for Stargate Atlantis, is completely fine with switching from a TV show to movies as the story telling medium. In fact, everything has been done with everybody's knowledge and acceptance. I would have preferred a headline that read "Writers, Producers, Network Executives Agree to End Atlantis." That would have been a lot easier to understand and accept as a fan instead of "SciFi Channel Cancels Stargate Atlantis." So, anyway, I'm taking down the petition and asking that you don't send feedback to SciFi anymore. Thanks.

August 21, 2008


As if having Finals this Friday wasn't bad enough, I was quietly perusing the Internet when I ran across a post on a site I frequent, GateWorld (home of all thing Gate related). Lo and behold, they have canceled Stargate Atlantis, the successful spin off of Stargate SG-1. Although it was unavoidable, expletives great in number flew through my brain and were directed wholly at the Nielson (of the rating system) and at the SciFi network. They have canceled so many shows as of late and they are starting to hit close to home. I don't mind if a show's producers, writers, and actors decide to end a show, like Battlestar Galactica is doing, but I do hate it when they are canceled.

So who is to blame? Apparently ratings. And you know what, I just got my week old telegraph from my broker in New York about ocean front property for sale in Utah. COME ON PEOPLE! You can not use a live "night-of" rating system anymore with the power of the Internet out there. I'm sorry. I don't have TV, can't afford cable and so watch my favorite shows online. How dare a network cancel a show just because I wasn't watching their damned commercials?! I was so irate that I found the feedback email for SciFi and sent a very nice email basically saying that they're frakkin' idiots. Here is the address in case anyone wants to join in.

I can't really say much else right now. I haven't been too impressed with the show the last season and a half but had high hopes for this season. I saw the mistakes that were being made but still watched, believing it would recover. But canceling it is just wrong.

August 18, 2008


It feels like it's been a while since I shared. Yet it's been all of 17 days. I can only conclude that these seventeen days have either been so filled that I haven't properly fathomed the passage of time or they have been extremely slow days. Regardless...

It's Finals [feels like it should be capitalized] week. The nine week summer quarter here at UW is reaching its end. It's been rough, I'm not going to lie. Here's what it's been like in an analogy metaphor whatever form that should ring true with anybody that has ever visited Seattle.

*shimmering cross-fade* My first quarter at the U feels like I was walking along Pike's Market, minding my own business, taking in the sites and the people, smelling the flowers, getting those flavored honey stick things when all of a sudden... [thought I'd make you wait a sec on the edge of your seat] ... a giant fish slaps me in the face, stunning me into near unconsciousness! It had come from them fish throwing folk down in the corner and boy was it a big fish! I numbly get back on my feet when one of the dudes in the orange overalls comes over real fast, helps me don my own orange pant suspender doohicky and proceeds to throw me into the fray of taking orders and throwing fish. Fully recovered from my fish in the head incident, I quickly get the hang of taking orders and throwing fish. But then the lingo starts getting more complicated and the busy time of the day is here and I can't keep up and ... and........ I freak out! There's fish everywhere! Here fish, there fish. Crawdad things are crawling out of the tubs! Mini-fireworks shoot out of the ice packs! People are dancing in the streets and that blind guitar player is going to town! Dogs and cats, living together...Mass Hysteria! *cross-fade back*

That's what it's been like. I can only hope that next quarter will be a smoother ride the whole way through.

August 1, 2008

Up and Running

Well, we're back. Not having the internet for...hold on let me check...12 days was pretty incredible (in an absolutely disturbing way). The lack of ability to do something really does show you how much you may have come to rely on that something. Not having the ability to check my email (what little there ever is) or my facebook (Lord forbid!) or my favorite sites like io9 or xkcd was just painful. On the other hand, not having the distracting power of the internet allowed me to get all sorts of other things done. Let me share.

The period during which my apartment was without internet was a busy time for schoolwork. There were two take home tests to complete, homework assignments to muddle through and readings off the wazoo that needed to be...well read. S without the distraction, coupled with my new favorite coffee shop also not having their free internet (!), I got a lot of work done. Wednesday, we were up and running again and let me tell you how much schoolwork I've done since that night. I've read two chapters out of my thermal physics book and most of that was while I was waiting for food to cook in the kitchen.

I'm a terrible addict! I hate it so much! What happened to the good ol' days when we were not all connected nearly instantaneously to each other? I can't even be at home without succumbing to the temptation of the 'net! I have to go somewhere else either without my computer (if there is internet there) or someplace with my computer that doesn't have internet (i.e. Barnes and Noble? [ah, but then there is the temptation of leaving with new books.]).

It's very important to recognize you're an easily-distracted-by-the-internet person. It's the first step on the road to recovery. Unless of course they pull a 1984 and are secretly watching me right now, will abduct me, reconvert me, and release me back to the public as an adoring fan of the internet... hmmmm. I love Big Brother.