April 16, 2008




fine print: my math instructor said in class, just like a movie announcer (well maybe not quite like a movie announcer), those first two lines, and the first thing to pop into my mind were the next two lines. I think I've got something here...

April 14, 2008

What America Means To Me

Baseball, beer, hotdogs, cute girls (who like baseball), peanuts, hot tamales, bottleCaps...that's pretty much what America means to me. And I experienced it all this afternoon and evening. There are few things finer than an evening at a baseball park, watching a baseball game, doing things (i.e. beer, hotdogs, hot tamales, peanuts) that you should do at a baseball game. Who cares if your team didn't win? The game itself and the things that went on during it were awesome, and incredible. The beverages and accoutrements were delightful. I even sat next to a couple that was rooting for the opposing team, and we held meaningful conversation about the game and the teams. Ah! A delight to my soul. I thought you all should know that this weekend has been the greatest of my life...in the past several months.

Oh, and btw, my birthday (since this baseball game was my birthday present) is officially completed for this year. Thanks to all and to those six different beers (seven total) that I had this afternoon.


April 11, 2008

Call on the Breeze

Something was in the wind today. There wasn't a lot of it either, so the something was quite faint and syrupy. Sweet like Pixie Stixs and Smarties, but rich and filling like Lumberjack Red. It was calling to me and demanding to know why I wasn't taking action. I looked up to the partly cloudy heavens and cried out "I WISH I COULD!!!" But the truth is my friends are all occupied, I was mired in the death throes of higher education, and it's not a solo activity. What was that something you ask?


It's that time of year! When the discs will fly! Bring forth the summer nights of freedom, delight, and good times! Oh! How I long for them again! Be prepared my friends, be prepared! How's your arm?

April 4, 2008

Attention Grabber

Yesterday was a bad day. Coming on the heels of a euphoric experience of the American pasttime replete with hotdogs, beers, and garlic fries, it was a much worse bad day than it may have appeared to an outside observer. But then, who cares what the outside observer thinks on my bad day, am I right or am I right? Right. Anyway, this bad day consisted or three very interesting things and it was only on viewing the third that the other two kind of clicked into place.

1. I was up early enough for the sun rise. This may not seem like a big deal, but it was quite lovely. Some clouds were out and about as early as me and they were making some beautiful colors over the Cascades. Lighting up the sky like that made me happy...and wish I was in bed.

2. Mid-afternoon had massive solar halo activity. A thin film of cloud cover allowed the diffraction of light from the sun, making a circle rainbow around it. I'd hardly noticed these but since my recent increase in sciencey thought, I've been eagerly awaiting a prime viewing. Well I had it, and it was really cool.

3. I was out driving when the sun was setting. Now this one rocked the house. The sun going down over the Olympics with some heavy cloud cover right above the point where the clouds would meet the mountains made the sun really red-orange. Moreover, there was a break in the clouds about a thumbs length held at arms length farther up with wispy clouds in this hole. I totally thought I might get to see the so called fire rainbow. Well, it looked like the entire area behind the mountains was on fire and it was the coolest thing I'd seen since #2 and #1.

All this to say I may have had a bad day, but I think God was trying to point out to me that He's still really cool. When I saw 1, 2, and 3, it got me thinking about the technical side of what's happening (i.e. Earth's rotation, water in the atmosphere), but it also made me think that God is saying, "see what I did? I did it for you so could think about me on your bad days. Trust me to get you through it." Huh, I said. That's right. Nice timing. Thanks God. He really is that cool to come up with rainbows and planets rotating and then still love us more than any of that.