April 14, 2008

What America Means To Me

Baseball, beer, hotdogs, cute girls (who like baseball), peanuts, hot tamales, bottleCaps...that's pretty much what America means to me. And I experienced it all this afternoon and evening. There are few things finer than an evening at a baseball park, watching a baseball game, doing things (i.e. beer, hotdogs, hot tamales, peanuts) that you should do at a baseball game. Who cares if your team didn't win? The game itself and the things that went on during it were awesome, and incredible. The beverages and accoutrements were delightful. I even sat next to a couple that was rooting for the opposing team, and we held meaningful conversation about the game and the teams. Ah! A delight to my soul. I thought you all should know that this weekend has been the greatest of my life...in the past several months.

Oh, and btw, my birthday (since this baseball game was my birthday present) is officially completed for this year. Thanks to all and to those six different beers (seven total) that I had this afternoon.


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