March 24, 2010

Concluding thoughts

Addendum: I have uploaded photos from all the places we went on our Balkans trip. The captions I've put have a few extra thoughts and I hope you enjoy the selection. Thanks for reading and traveling with me. As always, should you have specific questions about these places, just comment and I'll get back to you.

Hello all.  As you can see, the current (as of 3/17/2010) posts are all about the trip I took through the Balkans region.  I am planning on posting about 5 pictures per place that have a story or are simply pretty after I get back from visiting Venice on the 21st.  Of course I'll also be posting thoughts and pictures from there as well.  The pictures will come with captions that will tell more than I could in a quick blog.  So until next week, cheers!

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