June 19, 2010

Time to say goodbye

Well friends, the time has come.  The change to my layout was designed to invoke change and a renewed sense of vigor to my writing but I find myself so constrained in format and style.  I've wanted to make the jump for some time and frankly I didn't want to lose all of the stuff I've been posting for the past 1075 days.  But, I found that there is a simple way to transfer all of my blogs from one blogging site to another.  

As such my friends, please update your links if you care to continue following my lunatic ramblings in the future because I have moved to Wordpress.  Here is my new blog site:


I hope you'll keep reading and thanks for following this long.  Thanks also to Blogspot for getting me started.  

June 12, 2010

Shakin' it up

Well friends, I felt the need for a change.  I hope it doesn't bother anyone too much.  I apologize now for the formating chaos this will wreak upon my old posts that have pictures and commentary.  Also, if you find that the color of a link is vague or confusing in my posts, be sure to let me know.  Being incredibly blessed with OCD, I can't see that happening.  That's all I have.  Carry on!

June 11, 2010

Eager Beaver

8 weeks and 4 days and then I'll be back in the States again.  I have to say, I'm really excited.  Although the advent of Spring here in Giessen has caused the days to go by faster, in reality, they seem to be slowing down.  There is a drag on my life clock like an electron beam slowing down ion beams to reduce their energy spread.  What can I do about that?  Not the ion beam but my life clock.  Write more?  Well with the nice weather, Rachel and I will be going out more often and for longer periods.  I guess I could tell of a few adventures we've had in the past week or so.  

There is a castle that one can see from the train station in Giessen.  It looks close but is really 8 km away.  Since seeing it the first time we arrived in Giessen, we have wanted to walk to it but never got around to doing it.  We had a nice day forecast, made some lunch, grabbed our water and went out the door!  I had done some searching using Google to figure out the general path and it was crazy.  The path wound across big roads and whittled down to dirt paths through farm land.  Oddly enough, it didn't seem as far on the way back.  We figured that's because we definitely knew how far we had to go still.  The picture from the top of the tower is facing towards Giessen.  

In other news, a large group of my friends, an equal number of Americans, Germans and French, decided to attack the restaurant known colloquially as the XXL restaurant.  It was actually Der Waldgeist and it has some of the largest plates of food you'll ever see.  The burgers were at least 6 full size restaurant burgers put together.  Knowing my limits, I settled for 600 grams of currywurst, which was amazing.  My friend Jeff on the other hand was going for the burger and very nearly made it through it.  People from other tables were watching him as he tried to finish it.  Finally, he got smart and stopped before he killed himself.  He did have 2 liters of beer to finish as well.  Another friend, Gökhan, was not so lucky with his burger.  I'm sure he is posing in this picture, but the feeling was there in all of us.  Needless to say I'm thinking I won't need to visit again anytime soon.  Whew!

And finally, on Sunday Rachel and I went to the Botanical Garden to hear a live band from Kassel play.  I believe it was a fundraiser event for the garden.  The band was called "Beat That Chicken" and don't ask me to explain the name.  A soul/blues band with a full line up of instrumentalist: horn, bone, alto/tenor sax, bari sax, guitar, bass, keys, drums and two vocalists.  And they were pretty good.  I bought their CD and love it.  It was really interesting listening to the in-between song talking, in German, and the song lines, in English.  The female vocalist has a really good voice and the male seemed to be using a unidirectional microphone since I couldn't hear him half the time.  He was a little rambunctious and whenever he moved his mouth away from right in front of the mic you couldn't hear him anymore.  There is a free swing band concert on the 4th of July that we're going to hit up and a jazz innovations trio on the 20th of June.  Should be a fun summer concert series.  

That's the latest from Giessen.  More after the break.  Prost!

June 1, 2010


Ah!  June.  It comes after April showers and May flowers.  One might think that for a large portion of the Earth this leads to continuous sunny days.  But I can tell you that the number of warm sunny days this year I've had here in Giessen can be counted on 2 hands.  From what I hear, my home of Seattle has also been getting an extended winter.  Oregon and Montana as well.  What gives?  It's overcast and about a high of 19°C today.  This is not June 1st weather.  Does anybody have a handle on this conundrum?  I fear that spring will be glossed over altogether and I'll be forced to adapt to 32°C temperatures immediately.  Oh well.

In other news, today marks the day I first began counting down the days until my return to the States.  T-minus 69 days and counting.