April 26, 2010

At it again...

School has started back up and that can mean only one thing: despairing over homework.  Of course this is only natural so there is nothing new to report.  I've only three courses on my plate for my second and last semester abroad here in Giessen, Germany.  Let's see:

Methods of Atomic Physics - a romp through practical applications of knowledge of atomic physics.  Things like tumor detectors and busters, energy from nuclear fusion and fission, types of radiation detection and so on.  Taught by an instructor from last semester and the class size is small.  Four of us non-primary-German speakers in the room means a vote by the German students have this class being taught in English.  Interesting.

Experimental Physics 6 - Atomic, particle and astrophysics.  That's all I know at the moment since this was a late addition to my schedule and I haven't been to a lecture yet.  The first homework assignment though is about particle accelerators so...yeah.

Quantum Mechanics - that which I have feared the most.  The very nearly non-intuitive subject that haunts my dreams.  I will be trying desperately to approach this class purely from a mathematical standpoint.  I also must pass this class since I do not want to take it again in the States.  Taught by the exchange coordinator who also taught our Nuclear Astrophysics course last semester.  He, let alone the subject matter, are nearly impossible to understand.  I do wish I had taken more German before coming here, but alas I did not know I'd be coming until 5 months before I left.  

That's all I'm taking.  On a lighter note I got a frisbee today so that I can relax outside in my own way.  Jeff has already promised to play with me.  I imagine calling him up on the ol' Skype and saying, "I need a break from homework.  Let's play."  In other news, the beer gardens are open again and spring is in full swing.  Cheers!

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