December 6, 2008

Time Travel

So, about 12 hours ago, I saw a cool t-shirt online that was about Back to the Future. About 15 minutes ago that t-shirt popped back up into my mind spurring a random string of thoughts that I'd like to share. Now, for your pleasure, is a glimpse into how Brian's mind works when he is driving alone, thinking.

"that was a pretty cool t-shirt earlier. i really want to buy it cause i would wear it for sure. 88 mph sure is fast. the future. hmmmmm. the future.

you know, i've always thought about travel through time as a motion when really, just because relativity involves moving at the speed of light, it doesn't mean travel through time has to involve motion in the original 3 dimensions. hmmmmmm. That would mean that Wells' The Time Machine had it closer than Back to the Future i think. still. i don't think travel to the past is possible, but if you could unsync yourself from normal time, you could bypass a large chunk of time. but you'd have to somehow uncouple the interior of your 'time bubble' as well, otherwise you would experience the passage of time. argh!

let's see, somehow your time bubble would have to be 'moving' at relativistic speeds unless some hitherto unknown process could accelerate time around an object. hmmmm.

how fast can superman go? i saw an episode of the Batman Superman Adventures that had the flash melt himself out of ice by vibrating his body so fast the friction melted it. superman of course had heat vision. but still, if the flash and superman were racing and nobody was winning, that must mean superman can go pretty darn fast. if so, then could he (or the flash) vibrate so fast in place that they begin to 'move' at relativistic speeds and bypass time? this is where my idea of travel to the past as illogical comes from. one can only bypass time, not go back. at least that's how i see it......"

Blah, blah. So you see, those are the paths my mind takes. What you didn't see is that during all this I was being even more elaborate, singing along with a song, thinking about an intense dream I had last night, playing a movie clip of all my thoughts as they cued in my head, and pondering my dinner selection tonight. Not to mention driving. Cue discussion about time travel if you like.


leslie said...
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leslie said...

i came on today to leave another comment on your blog 3.3 microseconds because last night i was watching the history channel about the universe and specific to that it was 'light barriers'. (i was already proud of myself because during the show they said it would take 8 minutes for us to know that the sun stopped emitting light and i had remembered that from your blog!)so seeing how your latest blog is dealing with time travel-speed, i thought i might comment here instead.

anyway, i got a huge headache from watching the show because i obviously can't begin to comprehend some of the stuff that they are saying. i even went on wikipedia to try and read a bit about light speed, space time, relativity, special relativity and faster-than-light...wooh, that lasted about a minute. (now i'm not trying to act dumb here but unless i talk to you about this stuff, i really don't get it!!) the only thing i really got off the show was that the distance it takes light to travel for a year is 6 trillion miles which is a 6 with 12 zeros after it. (sorry, banker here)

after learning about all this, if i learned anything at all, wouldn't time travel be impossible (even if it is just moving forward, very good point btw) until we found a way to go faster-than-light? then if we did figure that out, and say we sent someone forward through time via shaking him/her really fast what point would there be if he/she couldn't go back?

and have you ever wondered if the universe just keeps going? like forever, infinitely? (which made me wonder if that is true, and we found out how to travel through space faster than light, wouldn't we run out of names for all these places??)

ok , i better finish up.

all in all at the end of the show, the narrator says, unless we can learn how to break past speed of light, we will need to use all our technology to take better care of 'spaceship earth' for our voyage through the universe! (dah dah daaah)

so brother, i need you to get your rear in gear to find a way to travel through space faster than light speed, because i have little faith in people to take better care of our planet.