July 14, 2007


Well, I'm here at the Lyons' Den, A Coffee Shoppe. There is no air conditioning here, it's slightly muggy and warm outside, my favorite seat is taken by some foreign exchange students, I'm taking my first draught of an iced americano (no room), I'm about to start working on the powerpoint for a church and I'm feelin' good.

Folks, there's nothing that screams introspective opportunities, quiet reflection, and plain old good times like an independent coffee shop, or shoppe. I can't tell you how glad I am that it is Friday and that I can spend my Friday evening alone; working, reading or even studying. Would I choose to have companionship? Yes, I would even welcome it/he/she with open arms, talk with it/them, and listen to its/their concerns and woes. But...there would have to come the time when you do what you came to this place to do. I didn't originally plan to come here alone, but fate has seemed to say that that is the way it's going to be. Do I feel irked? Not at all.

Let this be a lesson to myself in the future and to anyone that ever gazes upon these words. Do what you planned to do in the place that you planned to do it. All other activities serve only to augment that which you planned to do. Do or do not; there is no try. Yoda. Good man.

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