September 24, 2008

E-Ticket Dad

Recently, I went on vacation. I needed one. That's why I went. So, there you go.

Let me start out by saying, if you don't know what an E Ticket was, go here. Briefly, an E Ticket was the bestest ride at Disneyland/World. It was the cream of the crop, the most exciting. It was Space Mountain, the Matterhorn, etc. I tell you that so you understand the title. My dad took us on an E Ticket ride through Brooklyn in New York. My only advice in case you ever find yourself driving there is two-fold: look at every traffic sign you can and look out for the pedestrians as they have no respect for the right of way.

Our vacation was a New England cruise and our departure port was Pier 12 in New York, New York. Being there a day early, we decided to attend church on Sunday at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Perfect. We have directions to the church, what could go wrong? I was the navigator and it was my role to pay attention for things that perhaps the driver would not and inform him at the last possible moment about them (last possible so I didn't look like a backseat driver). Now, I'm looking for a church and so I imagine a church-like looking structure. I'm looking and don't notice that the street we're on suddenly decides to cease being a two-way and turn into a one-way... towards us. It was a required left or right turn and both my Padre and I missed it. I can't tell you how much you want to get to church when you're going down a one way street the wrong way with cars heading for you. Well, we turn off that road pretty quick, nearly running some people over. I say, "we must have passed it because the street numbers are going the wrong way." We begin to loop around the block looking for parking as well as the actual building. Swerving around Brooklyn on a Sunday morning in a rental car with Tennessee plates is really quite exhilarating.

The next big shock was when we thought we could make a left turn only to realize it was a bus only street (why do we have those so lamely labeled), which was occupied by a bus! I didn't know if it was a two lane road, or we were going down another one way the wrong way, but I saw another one way street that was a left turn so I shouted "over there!" We zoom around the bus and, you guessed it, almost hit another person and got off the bus only road. I felt I was starting to get the hang of the one way streets and remembered that there was a bus only road at such and such a turn. Now we're making progress.

On our fourth or fifth jaunt down the street that the Brooklyn Tab is supposedly on, I finally spot the (in my opinion) small block letters on a building that looks like any other building in the area. I shout "there it is!" and we now start the quest to find parking, while I look on to the location in my mind and become aware of any turn we make so we can find our way back on foot to the entrance. A couple of more turns later and we find the parking lot that goes with the church and we park. I was never so happy to go to church in my life. You really had to be there on that drive to understand. Words don't properly describe the sheer chaos. Did I happen to mention that there was a local police precinct across the street that was no doubt watching us violate dozens of traffic laws. "Crazy tourists. When they finally hit something we'll have to go out there and help 'em out." I'm sure that's not what they were really saying. Anyhoo.

How was church? Fantastic. The choir? Everything I thought it could be and more. I love choirs. I wish I could sing in one. The power, energy, harmony... I had pins and needles. The message? Right for me. Anyway, that was the first day of my vacation. I think you can imagine how the rest of it went. I hope to have time to tell a few more stories.

September 5, 2008

Kopi Luwak

Ah, the Asian Palm Civet. Who would have thought that man would pay attention enough to the feces of this small mammal to notice the undigested coffee beans? I don't think I would have, but some people did and now for some reason the beans that have passed through this creature are the most expensive in the world. Who in their right mind would purchase these beans, or even a cup of coffee made from said beans before knowing if they would like it or not? Would you slap down fifty greenbacks for a 6oz. cup of Kopi Luwak coffee? I wouldn't. Thankfully, I don't have to now. Yes! It's true. I have now tasted this coffee with my own mouth, almost (being quite figurative here) straight from the Civet's rear. How? My roommate, the equitable Tyler J.S. Cronk has a friend from(or is) Indonesia(n) who gifted us with an entire bag. It may weigh a pound and thus, I was holding somewhere between $120 and $600 worth of Civet crap on Tuesday in my hand. Wow.

So, you're wondering what it tastes like? It has a very different brewing aroma than I'm used to and also has an even stronger smell in my cup. Doing my best to realize that what I'm about to drink has passed through the mouth, stomach, and anus of another animal, I gently sip the concoction. It has a seemingly floral and nutty flavor while at the same time not having either, if you follow me. I can't place it. It was definitely unique. Hold it! It was then that it hit me. After swallowing, I had very little to no coffee taste in my mouth. There was no bitter coffee taste. I was shocked by its strangeness. I sipped again just to make sure I wasn't mad and indeed, after four straight days, I can tell you this coffee does not leave very much taste in your mouth. I was amazed and so went to the Fount of All Knowledge and Wisdom (aka Wikipedia) to find out the reason. Apparently, the Civet's digestive track breaks down the protein responsible for coffee bitterness. Seeing my question answered satisfactorily, I stopped my research and so could be completely wrong. Oh well.

So, is it worthy of the title 'most expensive coffee in the world'? Well, I can see why it would cost so much due to labor and expense, but I don't think it's expensive because it is so frickin' good. It's your standard cup of joe with a different flavor, that's all. So if you're in it for the experience or are trying to impress some hot girls somewhere, go ahead and pay out the nose for a cup. But I don't think you'll be too wowed or amazed.

Fount of All Knowledge and Wisdom Link